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Cicadas Thailand

Thailand: Land of Cicadas

From Rice Fields to City Streets

Throughout Thailand, no matter if you're amidst serene rice fields nestled high in the mountains or navigating the bustling streets of Bangkok, you're never far from the chorus of cicadas. Except during the winter months, these remarkable insects fill the air with their distinctive chirping.

Diversity and Habitats

Most cicadas found in Thailand are clad in earthy brown or gray hues with patches of green. However, some species showcase a kaleidoscope of other colors. Cicadas thrive in the temperate to tropical climate of Thailand, where they rank among the most prevalent insects.

Thailand's Cicada Species

Thailand boasts an impressive diversity of cicadas, with a total of 148 species across 35 genera. Notably, 11 species and the genus Muda have been recently discovered within the country.

Trengganua sibylla: A Southeast Asian Jewel

One particularly captivating cicada species found in Thailand is Trengganua sibylla. Endemic to Southeast Asia, this cicada is predominantly found in peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. In its natural habitat, its wings shimmer with a vibrant emerald green and black pattern.

Experience the Sounds of the Jungle

To immerse yourself in the symphony of cicadas and other jungle sounds, take a virtual walk through the lush forests of Krabi, Thailand. This captivating experience, captured on video, transports you to the heart of nature's acoustic wonderland.
