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8th Of August A Day Of Recognition

Severe ME Awareness Day 2023: A Day to Remember

8th of August: A Day of Recognition

On August 8th, the global Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) community unites to observe Severe ME Awareness Day. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the countless individuals who continue to grapple with the debilitating effects of ME, a chronic multi-system disease.

Impactful Storytelling and Raising Awareness

Severe ME Awareness Day aims to amplify the voices of those living with severe ME, shedding light on their daily struggles and the immense challenges they face. Through impactful storytelling, the day seeks to raise awareness about the severity of the condition and advocate for increased support and research.

Malnutrition in Severe ME

One of the most pressing issues faced by individuals with severe ME is malnutrition. The debilitating symptoms of ME can make it extremely difficult for them to eat, drink, and absorb nutrients. Malnutrition can exacerbate the already complex symptoms of ME, leading to further decline in health.

MEAction's Artists Project

As part of Severe ME Awareness Day, MEAction has launched the Severe ME Artists Project, showcasing the creative expression of those living with the condition. This project highlights the resilience and strength of these individuals, using art as a powerful tool to raise awareness.

Recognizing Strength and Spirit

Severe ME Day is not only a day to raise awareness but also a day to acknowledge the extraordinary strength and spirit of those living with severe ME. Their perseverance and determination in the face of adversity are a testament to the human spirit.

Response from ME Groups

ME Group, a national charity supporting people with severe ME, has responded to the Interim Delivery Plan, emphasizing the urgent need for increased funding and support for research and care. Severe ME Awareness Day provides a crucial platform for amplifying their voices and advocating for improved outcomes.


Severe ME Awareness Day is a day to remember those who suffer from this debilitating condition. It is a day to raise awareness, advocate for support, and celebrate the strength and resilience of those living with ME. Together, we can continue to strive for a better understanding, diagnosis, and treatment for this devastating disease.
